A Dream and some coincidences - elephant
As I was falling asleep, a sentence suddenly appeared. I didn't hear him, I just knew him. But I'm not entirely sure that it was a real dream. It was just like a breath. That I don't describe well: In 30 years Russia will no longer exist. My daughter brought a “Kinder Surprise Egg”. ( https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kinder_%C3%9Cberraschung ) She is an adult and we are old. Just kidding. There was a little elephant in the egg. I had just been working with elephants because I saw how these poor animals were tortured. I love elephants. Once I even found a little wooden elephant on the street. I painted an elephant on my mailbox. I thought about that. Yesterday I spontaneously had to take my dog to the vet. Chelsea is limping. My vet wasn't there. A doctor I had never seen represented her. She wore a necklace with a pendant around her neck. It was an elephant made of a green stone. Unfortunately I wasn't able to photograph it. Yesterday I also found this book...